Broadmoor Baptist Church
It's time for an update to our eNews!

We have gone through a complete facelift, and we are just about ready to show it to you! You are viewing this message because you are currently subscribed to our weekly eNews. In order to receive the new and improved version of our newsletter/bulletin, we'll need you to simply re-subscribe using the link next to the little paper airplane on the top of this page. We know, we know... it's a hassle to have to subscribe again, but we think it will be worth it. Plus it helps us verify your address AND you get to see our new Privacy Policy regarding your email address. It's all good stuff.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Allen Hendrix, Minister of Communication at

To subscribe to the NEW digital version of our newsletter, click the link above and enter your name and email address. You will see our updated eNews in your inbox in a few weeks!

Thank you,
The Communication Ministry
of Broadmoor Baptist